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Version: 5.x

Upgrading from 4.x

This guide is a work in progress! As more people upgrade their apps we can continue to improve it. Please send pull requests to add any suggestions that you have from your upgrade experience.

React Navigation 5 has a completely new component based API. While the main concepts are the same, the API is different. In this guide, we aim to document all the differences so that it's easier to upgrade your app.

If you have not installed React Navigation 5 yet, you can do so following the Getting Started guide.

To reuse code using the old API with minimal changes, you can use the compatibility layer.

Before you upgrade

React Navigation 4 is still maintained and will stay compatible with the latest version of React Native. We'll accept small pull requests and release bug fixes. While we won't be actively working on new features for React Navigation 4, they may be occasionally backported.

If React Navigation 4 is working well for you and you don't need any of the new capabilities of the new version, you can keep using it. You don't have to rewrite your navigation structure.

However, if you're starting a new project, we recommend to use the latest version instead of React Navigation 4.

If you are upgrading from older versions of navigators, you should take a look at the guide for upgrading to React Navigation 4 first, especially the part for upgrading packages.

Package names

For React Navigation 5, we went with scoped packages (e.g. @react-navigation/stack). It distinguishes them from previous versions and makes it harder to accidentally mix v4 and v5 packages. The following are the new equivalent package names:

  • react-navigation -> @react-navigation/native
  • react-navigation-stack -> @react-navigation/stack
  • react-navigation-tabs -> @react-navigation/bottom-tabs, @react-navigation/material-top-tabs
  • react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs -> @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs
  • react-navigation-drawer -> @react-navigation/drawer

In React Navigation 5.x there's no createAppContainer which provided screens with navigation context. You'll need to wrap your app with NavigationContainer provider.

import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';

export default function App() {
return <NavigationContainer>{/*...*/}</NavigationContainer>;

The onNavigationStateChange prop on the AppContainer is now available as onStateChange on NavigationContainer.

Configuring the navigator

In React Navigation 4.x, we used to statically configure our navigator to createXNavigator functions. The first parameter was an object containing route configuration, and the second parameter was configuration for the navigator.

const RootStack = createStackNavigator(
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
navigationOptions: { title: 'My app' },
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
params: { user: 'me' },
initialRouteName: 'Home',
defaultNavigationOptions: {
gestureEnabled: false,

With 5.x, we now configure the navigator inside a component. First, we create Navigator and Screen pair using createXNavigator and then use them to render our navigator.

The main concepts are the same. There are navigators and screens, nesting works the same, we have configuration for the navigator and options for the screen. To summarize the differences:

  • All of the configuration is passed as props to the navigator
  • The route configuration is done using Screen elements and passed as children
  • params becomes initialParams prop on Screen
  • navigationOptions becomes options prop on Screen
  • defaultNavigationOptions becomes screenOptions prop on Navigator
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
const Stack = createStackNavigator();

function RootStack() {
return (
screenOptions={{ gestureEnabled: false }}
options={{ title: 'My app' }}
initialParams={{ user: 'me' }}

The navigation prop

Separate route prop

In React Navigation 4.x, the navigation prop contained various helper methods as well as the current screen's state. In React Navigation 5.x, we have split the navigation prop into 2 props: navigation prop contains helper methods such as navigate, goBack etc., route prop contains the current screen's data (previously accessed via navigation.state).

This means, now we can access screen's params through route.params instead of navigation.state.params:

function ProfileScreen({ route }) {
const userId = route.params.user;

// ...

No more getParam

Previously we could also use navigation.getParam('someParam', 'defaultValue') to get a param value. It addressed 2 things:

  • Guard against params being undefined in some cases
  • Provide a default value if the params.someParam was undefined or null

Now, the same thing can be achieved using the upcoming optional chaining and nullish coalescing operators:

navigation.getParam('someParam', 'defaultValue');

is equivalent to:

route.params?.someParam ?? 'defaultValue';

No more isFirstRouteInParent

The isFirstRouteInParent method did a very specific job: tell you if the route is the first one in parent's state. The main purpose was to decide whether you can show a back button in a screen depending on if it's the first one.

However, it had many of shortcomings:

  1. It checked the routes array in state to determine if it's the first, which means that it won't work for other navigators such as tab navigator which keep history in a separate routeKeyHistory array.
  2. Since this was a method on the navigation object, if a screen's index changed to/from the first one, it would always trigger re-render for that screen whether you use the method or not.

Now we have added a useNavigationState which addresses many more use cases and doesn't have these shortcomings. We can implement isFirstRouteInParent with this hook:

function useIsFirstRouteInParent() {
const route = useRoute();
const isFirstRouteInParent = useNavigationState(
(state) => state.routes[0].key === route.key

return isFirstRouteInParent;

Specifying navigationOptions for a screen

In React Navigation 4.x, we could do the following to specify navigationOption:

class ProfileScreen extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = {
headerShown: false,

render() {
// ...

With React Navigation 5.x, we need to pass the configuration when defining the screen:

options={{ headerShown: false }}

For dynamic options, the options prop also accepts a function which receives the navigation and route props:

options={({ route }) => ({ title: route.params.user })}

In addition to this, React Navigation 5.x has another way to configure screen dynamically based on a screen's props or state by calling navigation.setOptions:

function SelectionScreen({ navigation }) {
const [selectionCount, setSelectionCount] = React.useState(0);

React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
selectionCount === 0
? 'Select items'
: `${selectionCount} items selected`,
}, [navigation, selectionCount]);

// ...

But what if we want to define options statically on the component? It's less flexible to do it, but we could do it if we wanted:

class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = {
// ...

// ...


You might be curious, why don't we support it by default anymore if it's so easy?

  • Static properties need extra code to work if you have a Higher Order Component
  • You lose the ability to use props and context here, making them less flexible
  • They cannot be type-checked automatically, you need to manually annotate this property
  • They don't play well with Fast Refresh, as changing them doesn't trigger a re-render
  • We've seen people get confused on how to use static properties when transitioning from class components to function components

Due to the numerous disadvantages with this pattern, we decided to drop it in favor of the current API.

In React Navigation 4.x, there were 4 navigation events to notify focus state of the screen:

  • willFocus: emitted when screen comes into focus
  • didFocus: emitted when the transition animation for focus finishes
  • willBlur: emitted when the screen goes out of focus
  • didBlur: emitted when the transition animation for blur finishes

It was confusing to decide which events to use and what each event meant. Some navigators also didn't emit events for transition animations which made the events inconsistent.

We have simplified the events in React Navigation 5.x, so now we have only focus and blur events which are equivalent to willFocus and willBlur events. These events can be listened to using the reworked event system.

function Profile({ navigation }) {
React.useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
// do something

return unsubscribe;
}, [navigation]);

return <ProfileContent />;

See the docs for Navigation events for more details and examples.

In addition, there is a new useFocusEffect hook to make it easier to perform side-effects and data fetching only when a screen is focused.

To run tasks after an animation finishes, we can use the InteractionManager API provided by React Native. See the docs for useFocusEffect for more details.

Many of the navigators in React Navigation 4.x also had their events such as tab press, transition start etc. exposed in navigationOptions. They are now consolidated into the same event system as focus and blur events, now named tabPress, transitionStart, transitionEnd etc.

To achieve the previous use cases for these events where you added listeners without rendering a screen, you can use the listeners prop in the Screen component to achieve the same functionality:

listeners={({ navigation, route }) => ({
tabPress: (e) => {
// Prevent default action

// Do something with the `navigation` object

Previously, you could navigate to a screen deeply nested somewhere in a navigator. This was possible because the configuration was static, and all of the navigators were available on the initial startup.

With a dynamic configuration, it becomes impossible, because new navigators and screens could be added, or existing navigators and screens could be removed any time in future. In addition, navigators are initialized as needed in 5.x instead of initializing all navigators at startup, which means that a navigator may not be available to handle an action.

Because of these reasons, you now need to be more explicit when navigating to a deeply nested screen. See nesting navigators docs for more details.


In React Navigation 4.x, you could specify a path property in your screen configuration which was used for handling incoming links. This was possible because we could statically get the configuration for all of the defined paths.

Due to dynamic configuration in 5.x, links need to be handled before we can know what to render for our navigators. So it's necessary to specify the deep link configuration separately. See the deep linking docs for more information.

Switch Navigator

The purpose of Switch Navigator was to dynamically switch between screens/navigators, mostly useful for implementing onboarding/auth flows. For example:

const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator({
Home: HomeScreen,
Settings: SettingsScreen,

const RootNavigator = createSwitchNavigator({
Login: LoginScreen,
App: AppNavigator,

And then after login:


With React Navigation 5.x, we can dynamically define and alter the screen definitions of a navigator, which makes Switch Navigator unnecessary. The above pattern can be now defined declaratively:

export default function App() {
return (
{isLoggedIn ? (
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsScreen} />
) : (
<Stack.Screen name="SignIn" component={SignInScreen} />

In earlier versions of React Navigation, there were 2 ways to handle this:

  1. Keep multiple navigators and use switch navigator to switch the active navigator to a different one upon login (recommended)
  2. Reset the state of the navigator to the desired screens upon login

Both of these approaches were imperative. We needed to update the state to save your token, and then do a navigate or reset to change screens manually. Seems reasonable, right? But what happens when the user logs out? We need to update the state to delete the token, then navigate or reset again manually to show the login screen. We have to imperatively do the task twice already. Add more scenarios to this (e.g. unverified user, guest etc.) and it becomes even more complex.

But with the above approach, you can declaratively say which screens should be accessible if user is logged in and which screens shouldn't be. If the user logs in or logs out, you update the userToken in state and the correct screens are shown automatically.

To summarize the benefits:

  • No need for manually navigating to correct screen on log in or log out, correct screens are shown automatically.
  • If the user is not logged in, it's impossible to navigate to screens which need the user to be logged in (e.g. from a deep link, restoring persisted state), which means you don't need to deal with inconsistent states.
  • Since all our screens are under the stack navigator, we get smooth animations after log in or log out unlike the abrupt screen change with switch navigator.

So, the new approach covers more edge cased and removes the need for something like Switch Navigator. So it has been removed.

See Authentication flows for a guide on implementing authentication flows.

Global props with screenProps

In React Navigation 4.x, we could pass a prop called screenProps which you could access in all the child navigators:

<App screenProps={{ /* some data here */ }}>

This was handy for passing global configuration such as translations, themes etc. to all screens.

However, using screenProps had some disadvantages:

  • Changing the values in screenProps re-renders all of the screens in the app, regardless of whether they use it or not. This can be very bad for performance, and easy mistake to make.
  • When using a type-checker like TypeScript, it was necessary to annotate screenProps every time we want to use it, which wasn't type-safe or convenient.
  • You could only access screenProps in screens. To access them in child components, you needed to pass them down as props manually. It's very inconvenient for things like translation where we often use it in a lot of components.

Due to the component based API of React Navigation 5.x, we have a much better alternative to screenProps which doesn't have these disadvantages: React Context. Using React Context, it's possible to pass data to any child component in a performant and type-safe way, and we don't need to learn a new API!


React Navigation 4.x had basic theming support where you could specify whether to use a light or dark theme:

<App theme="dark">

It wasn't easy to customize the colors used by the built-in components such as header, tab bar etc. without extra code or repetition.

In React navigation 5.x, we have revamped the theme system for easier customization. Now you can provide a theme object with your desired colors for background, accent color etc. and it will automatically change the colors of all navigators without any extra code. See the Themes documentation for more details on how to customize the theme.

Action creators

The navigation object has a dispatch method used to dispatch navigation actions. Normally we don't recommend dispatching action objects, but use the existing methods such as navigation.push, navigation.navigate etc. But if you were importing action creators from the library, then you'll need to update your code:

  • NavigationActions is now CommonActions, can be imported from @react-navigation/native
  • StackActions, DrawerActions etc. can be imported from @react-navigation/native
  • SwitchActions is now TabActions. can be imported from @react-navigation/native

Signature of many actions have changed. Refer to their docs for details:

It's highly recommended to use the methods on the navigation object instead of using action creators and dispatch. It should only be used for advanced use cases.

In addition, there have been some changes to the way the navigation actions work. These changes probably won't affect you if you didn't do any advanced tasks with these methods.

One major difference is that a lot of methods used to take some parameters for controlling which screen and navigator it should be applied to and didn't follow a specific pattern.

In this version, we have standardized this and made it possible to use with any action without the action needing to support it. The new target and source properties provides control over which navigator should handle an action. See docs for dispatch for more details.

You can import the action creators from the compatibility layer to preserve old behavior for the actions.

More differences in the signatures are listed below:

Previously, it was possible to pass an object { routeName, key, params }. Now, routeName is called just name, so it'll be { name, key, params }.

The navigate action also supported child actions in the action property in the object. We found that very few people actually used it and most found it confusing. It also complicated the code quite a bit, so we have removed this functionality.

See navigate action docs for more details.


Previously, the goBack method took one parameter: from. You could pass nothing to go back from anywhere, pass null to go back from the current screen, or a route key to go back from a specific route. It was a common source of confusion.

The new behavior of goBack is more intuitive as it takes you back from the screen that dispatched the action. More advanced behavior can be achieved by target and source properties to replicate old behavior.

See goBack action docs for more details.


Previously, the setParams method also took an optional key to specify which screen was setting its params. Now the source property can be used to achieve the same functionality.

See setParams action docs for more details.


Previously, the reset method took an array of actions to apply. This was often not intuitive. Now, we have changed reset method to take the new state instead:

For example, this will reset the navigator's state to have one screen called Home:

routes: [{ name: 'Home' }],

The reset action is now also supported on all navigators instead of just stack.

See reset action docs for more details.


Previously, it was possible to pass an object { routeName, key, newKey, params }. Now, routeName is called just name, and newKey is called key, so it'll be { name, key, params }. The previous key can be specified using the source property.

The replace action also supported child actions in the action property which has been removed.

See replace action docs for more details.


Previously, it was possible to pass an object { routeName, params }. Now, routeName is called just name, so it'll be { name, params }.

The push action also supported child actions in the action property which has been removed.

See push action docs for more details.


Previously, the pop method used to take an object with a property called n which specified how many screens to go back to. Now, you can directly specify the number as the first argument instead of an object.

See pop action docs for more details.


The dismiss method has been removed. You can achieve similar effect with following:



Previously, the jumpTo method also took an optional key to specify which screen was setting its params. Now the source property can be used to achieve the same functionality.

See jumpTo action docs for more details.

Custom actions

Previously, it was possible to override the router property and its getStateForAction property on the navigator component to implement custom actions. Due to the dynamic nature of React Navigation 5, this is not possible. However, you can implement custom helpers to achieve the same functionality. See dispatch docs for more details.


React Navigation 4.x exported its own ScrollView, FlatList, and SectionList components. These were wrappers around the scrollable components react-native-gesture-handler and would scroll to top when tapping on an active tab.

However, this was very restrictive since you may want to use another scrollable implementation which we didn't wrap. So now we have a useScrollToTop hook that can be used with any scrollable component.

Higher order components

React Navigation 4.x included higher order components such as withNavigation and withNavigationFocus. Now they live in the compat package.

We also have documentation on how to use the new hooks such as useFocusEffect if you're using class components.

We have long recommended not to store navigation state in Redux. We have finally dropped support for storing navigation state in Redux in React Navigation 5.x.

This means you cannot store navigation state in Redux. You can still use Redux (or any other library) for managing your app state and it will work fine. See Redux integration for more info.